Blog Archives

Walk. Don’t Run!

That always struck me as one of those nagging motherly things I heard growing up as a kid. “Walk. Don’t run!” Whenever I was excited about something though, walking never seemed nearly as fun as running. Or maybe it was

Posted in Advice, Children, Firefighter, Mothers, Planning, Running, Walking, Wisdom

What Are You Training For?

In September, I ran my first triathlon. It was an exhausting – and exhilarating! – experience, and I’m quite proud of my extremely respectable 2-hour and 10-minute pace for this Classic distance. I would have liked to have taken 10

Posted in Cycling, Fitness, Half-Marathon, Inspiration, Learning, Motivation, Running, self development, Swimming, Training, Triathlon, Triathlons

Relaxed and Recharged… And Ready to Rally Again!

Last week, I took a much-needed vacation to Maui with my family. It’s been a long time since I really went “on vacation”, and I’m glad that I finally did. I took my kids snorkeling for their first time ever

Posted in Marathons, Maui Hawaii, Running, Triathlons, Vacation

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