I often find myself quick to speak in conversations, and quite commonly from a place of judgment as if I know all the answers. I regularly share with my clients that I have lots of opinions and am happy to…
I often find myself quick to speak in conversations, and quite commonly from a place of judgment as if I know all the answers. I regularly share with my clients that I have lots of opinions and am happy to…
The nice thing about being self-employed is that I don’t have a boss. In my experience, one of the most challenging parts of being self-employed, however, is that I don’t have a boss! For more than 10 years now, I’ve…
This past Friday, my 11-year-old daughter Amanda culminated from elementary school. Now I already think I’m not as smart as a 5th grader because I had no idea “culminate” was even a word until my son did the same 2…
So many people I know and consult with are brilliantly adept at identifying problems. Throughout their days, they are quick to find fault in others, and they regularly blame their environment for what isn’t producing their intended results. While this…
I often wonder why so many leaders hire so fast and fire so slow. It always seems that we do the due diligence required to select qualified candidates for our most important positions. And then when things don’t seem to…
Plus Delta’s staff has a long-standing history of inviting our four-legged canine friends to work with us. In fact, that’s one of the many reasons why Our Blog was honored as one of the top consulting blogs by OnlineBusinessSchool.org. Well,…
I’ve always had a philosophy of “meeting my clients where they’re at”. While I may see tremendous potential in taking a different approach, we will not be successful working together if I force my ways upon them when they may…
There was a great Far Side cartoon once about Rex the Dog and his journey across a tightrope. You see, as the caption read, “Rex was an old dog, and this was a new trick!” The graphic above barely does…
Tenacity. Perseverance. Courage. Compassion. I’ve seen and heard numerous definitions of leadership over the years. Some motivational, some inspirational, some purely functional. In my experience, these four traits sum it up best if we’re going to distinguish what it takes…
I recently had the pleasure of attending a Vistage presentation led by Bill Hawkins on success. As with many a Vistage presentation, I started this one off a little arrogant and close-minded (as I can be from time to time) thinking, “Oh great! Another leadership guy telling me – a successful leadership coach – what I need to know about being a successful leader…” Well, I guess I was right because boy did I have a lot to learn!