Have you ever been sitting at a traffic signal waiting for the light to turn green – while in a hurry of course! – and the person in front of you is still texting away when the light finally does…
Have you ever been sitting at a traffic signal waiting for the light to turn green – while in a hurry of course! – and the person in front of you is still texting away when the light finally does…
Have you ever noticed how we tend to do whatever we make important? There are probably lots of things on your mental To Do list that aren’t getting done. That may not be a bad thing. When it comes to…
Does this sound familiar? You try implementing a new technology system only to feel like you’re walking across a tightrope juggling 10 heavy balls – of different shapes and sizes – in the air all at once. Even when you…
My clients regularly complain to me about how resistance is a bad thing and constantly gets in the way of their successful organizational change efforts. “Why can’t he (or those people) just accept it and get on board?” While it…
Today’s organizations experience tremendous amounts of change. Whether these changes are prompted by the implementation of new technologies, the redesign of business-critical processes, or simply the introduction of different leadership practices, the people who are most impacted by these changes…
Nearly 250 people registered for last week’s Performance Management virtual conference hosted by HR.com, the largest social network and online community of HR executives in the world. Plus Delta’s CEO & Chief Architect Dr. Jeremy Lurey has led several webinars…
Marshall Goldsmith may have said it best when he declared, “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There”! That was a powerful A’ha moment for me as I’ve always known that I am likely the greatest obstacle getting in the…
Later this month in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Plus Delta’s Founder and CEO Dr. Jeremy Lurey will join an esteemed faculty at the Multicultural Forum on Workplace Diversity. Hosted by the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business, the Multicultural Forum…
As an expert in successfully implementing positive changes in organizations, I can share some pretty nasty horror stories with you all about organizational changes that have gone awry. Let’s face it. Up to 80% of all organizational changes do fail…
There was a great Far Side cartoon once about Rex the Dog and his journey across a tightrope. You see, as the caption read, “Rex was an old dog, and this was a new trick!” The graphic above barely does…