
The Moving Walkway is Now Ending. Please Look Down!

Have you ever had that sensation of stepping on to a moving walkway at an airport or other public venue and “turning off”?  Unless I’m in a real hurry and have to keep going at full speed, I usually breathe a sigh of relief once I step on to the track – seemingly realizing that I can rest a bit while someone (or in this case, something) else moves me along. And then that lovely woman’s voice wakes me up announcing, “The moving walkway is now ending. Please look down.”

Well, guess what… The moving walkway is now ending, so please look down!

2012 was a great foundational year for Plus Delta as a firm and for me personally. As a firm, we celebrated our 10th year in business by further reducing our overhead costs, realigning our consulting team, and elevating our coaching and consulting practices to new heights with several new client successes. Personally, I brought two new dogs into my home, strengthened my relationship with my now fiancée, and as that statement suggests got engaged.

Even with all of these great accomplishments, it still feels like 2012 was more of an opportunistic ride on a moving walkway than a planned pursuit of intentional goals. That is why I’m ringing in the New Year with specific goals and intentions for the year ahead. Please note that I didn’t say resolutions, which for many of us are typically forgotten by the 3rd week in January if they last even that long! I’m a firm believer that what we are intentional about is far more likely to happen. So just as I do when I’m stepping off of the moving walkway, I will now pick my head up and look forward to my final destination. That will have me live life powerfully and put me back in the driver’s seat this year.

What are your intentions for 2013? If you aren’t present to your final destination, you are far less likely to get there!

Posted in Uncategorized

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