Never met him myself. Have a few friends who worked with and for him until the day he died. Wrote a paper about him and the impact his leadership style had on Apple’s organizational culture once in my first year of grad school. I can’t imagine that makes us close though, so why is it that I’ve been taking Steve Jobs’ passing so hard. Maybe it’s because he is arguably the greatest leader of all time!
Inventor. Innovator. Visionary. Rebel. Icon. Oh yes, let’s not forget Micro-Manager of micro-managers. All of these are labels I’ve heard used to describe the genius that was Steve Jobs. Sure, Steve Jobs probably wasn’t a treat to work for 24/7, and he absolutely had a “particular” way of wanting things done. There is no question about that. With that said, he accomplished what no one before him ever has and quite likely what no one else ever could or will again. Steve Jobs was all but walked out of Apple – a company he envisioned and co-founded and truly loved to his core – at a time when its demise seemed likely. Since returning to the company years later when its total demise was all but imminent though, he rebuilt Apple into being one of the most successful businesses to ever exist – in America and throughout the world.
Steve Jobs did so much more for our planet than simply invent cool new technologies though. Yes, he revolutionized what personal computing is. From products like the original Mac to the much newer iPad that was introduced to the world just last year, that’s a given! Beyond being a pure technology zealot though, Steve Jobs transformed the entertainment industry – first from his purchase of Pixar from George Lucas which offered him a platform for taking animated motion pictures to the next level (and then some!) with great films like Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., and Finding Nemo and then with the introduction of iTunes and the iPod which completely reinvented the way people experience music around the world.
Beyond these product inventions though, Steve Jobs also transformed the fundamental customer experience. Where hardware companies like Gateway clearly failed in the retail market, Steve Jobs ignored the cynics and followed his gut in establishing the Apple store. It has been such a huge success on so many levels that even Jim Cramer of NBC’s Mad Money has likened Steve Jobs to Sam Walton – arguably one of the greatest retailers to ever live. Not bad company to keep for a man who has also been compared to inventor leaders like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison and clearly left his mark on not only the Silicon Valley in his surrounding Northern California but also the high-technology industry more broadly around the world.
Steve Jobs made such a profound impact on the world that not a newsletter has come out this past week that hasn’t honored him. In fact, even the Senior Rabbi of my temple cited one of Steve Jobs’ recent Stanford commencement speeches in his sermon on Yom Kippur! I suppose we all could offer recognition and accolades till the cows come home, and we still wouldn’t come close to honoring all of Steve Jobs’ contributions that will likely change our lives forever. That still doesn’t explain why I personally – someone who never met him or even worked with him – was literally in tears over his loss when it was first announced last Wednesday. I suppose it’s because Steve Jobs personifies one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time. Beyond that, Steve Jobs has clearly demonstrated – straight from his garage no less! – how with unwavering perseverance and steadfast conviction to one’s dreams anything is possible. Anything!
Well since this eve of Steve Jobs’ passing last week, all of us at Plus Delta Consulting have promised to never forget this valuable lesson. Believe in oneself and steadfastly pursue your passions, and anything is possible – even when those customers you aim to serve don’t even recognize the want or need that you perceive they have. What are you going to do to honor the gift that Steve Jobs has given us all? How will you keep Steve Jobs’ contributions present in your life long after he’s gone? Give us a call at +1.310.589.4600 (or 866.757.3582 within the US) or email us at [email protected] to share your intentions for keeping Steve Jobs’ legacy alive. For now, we simply offer you the following two books that clearly tell the tale of this American icon and one of the greatest leaders of all time.
- All About Steve: The Story of Steve Jobs and Apple from the Pages of Fortune
- The Steve Jobs Way: ILeadership for a New Generation
Rest in peace Steve Jobs. Rest in peace.