
Do It With Velocity…Before It’s Too Late!

Summer is a time for relaxing, taking vacations, and generally speaking having a slower-paced life. Well, guess what…summer’s over! Labor Day is now behind us. It’s time to kick it back into high gear before we start celebrating the holidays and ring in another New Year.

If you read my recent post Composure: Maintaining Balance, then you’ll understand my basic thoughts about keeping it together during tough times and how to rally past those “woe is me moments” as I have come to call them. Well, the second part of that equation is moving on swiftly and decisively – with velocity! – whenever something unexpected or even disturbing happens. Sure, there’s a time for analysis and rigorous planning. Even that can be done with velocity though.

Now is not a time for moving slowly. Life moves too fast these days. Stock market swings, global market fluctuations, even the weather – it’s all changing at such a rapid pace that you need to react much quicker and move much faster than ever before. Our clients aren’t sitting around waiting for us. I’m guessing your world keeps moving too whether you keep up with it or not.

I still have vivid memories of the movie Armageddon and Lt. Colonel William Sharp’s exclamation as they’re quickly running out of time to blow up the asteroid before it crosses the zero boundary. “No time!” he declares. Did you see it? Maybe one of Bruce Willis’ better flicks…

Well, I’ve lived much of the past few years feeling the pressure and stress of “no time”. That has not served me well. Now I get that there actually is an abundance of time as long as we move with velocity. With Bruce’s help, the Space Shuttle team safely escaped the asteroid blast in Armageddon just as you too can achieve your strategic imperatives. You just have to acknowledge those “woe is me moments” for what they are when they happen – a
natural, emotional human reaction to something in your life that hasn’t turned out as you wanted or expected – and move on – with velocity!

Posted in Armageddon, Balance, Bruce Willis, Composure, productivity management, Time Managment, velocity

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