
Feedback? Feed-Forward! The Gift That Keeps on Giving

At Plus Delta, we like to think of feedback more like “feed-forward.” You’ve seen the concept of “pay it forward” in movies and commercials over the years, and feedback can have the same effect. When offered with the right intention and skills, feedback can be a gift you give to others not to move them backwards but instead to move them forwards towards the achievement of their individual pursuits.

Feedback provides information about a particular action or behavior at a specific point in time. When performance is low, feedback can help others with the corrective actions they need to take to improve. When performance is good, feedback can reinforce positive and effective behaviors to ensure continued success in the future.

Feedback is important because it provides guideposts for others to stay on course. It also lets them know how they’re doing as well as when they may need to course correct. When someone doesn’t receive feedback, they can stray pretty far off course and that can make it very difficult for them to get back on track. Sometimes, managers may avoid giving feedback because they don’t want to deliver “negative feedback,” but what they don’t understand is there’s no such thing! When delivered skillfully, all feedback is constructive and helpful for those you are trying to help. Here are some strategies you can use to give feedback that feels like “feed forward” and isn’t at all threatening.

When delivering feedback, consider the following questions:

  • Is it timely? It should be close to the time of the incident. However, you should consider the environment, context and receptivity of the receiver.
  • Is it factual? Start with an observation instead of a conclusion or interpretation.
  • Is it specific? Address specific situations and provide examples. Don’t just say, “Good job.”
  • Is it genuine and authentic? Make sure you’re not just going through the motions. They can tell when it’s not sincere!
  • Is it proportional to the behavior? Be careful not to go over the top with insignificant actions. Save your stronger feedback for when it really matters.
  • Is it the right delivery method? Consider whether it’s accusatory or in front of others. Also, be aware of your tone and body language.

The STAR model below provides a great framework for structuring your feedback conversation:

  • ST = Situation/Task – Describe the situation or task you observed
  • A = Action – Describe the actions taken by the employee
  • R = Result – Describe the result of those actions

And if you need to offer constructive feedback to correct someone’s behavior, share the following alternative actions and results too:

  • A = Alternative Action – Describe the actions the employee should have taken and can now take in the future
  • R = Alternative Result – Describe the result that the alternative actions would have created and will now create in the future

If you don’t have time for a full discussion about the situation or incident, you can also use the Short-Cut method for giving feedback. Just be specific and describe exactly what you saw. Then, quickly highlight the result or impact created by those actions and/or the alternative result or impact that can be created in the future if different actions are taken.

So this year, we recommend you add one more New Year’s resolution to your list of priorities. Schedule one feedback session per week with one of your peers or direct reports. Add these appointments to your calendar as recurring events so you don’t forget to prioritize them. This will keep you and your team on track to meet – and maybe even exceed – your goals for the rest of the year.

Can Plus Delta help you create a “feed-forward” culture to improve performance in your organization? To learn about our core services in this area, give us a call at +1 (310) 589-4600 or send an email to We look forward to serving your every need!

Note: This feature was originally published and distributed in Plus Delta Consulting’s e-newsletter in Febuary 2009.

Posted in Newsletter Features

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